Launching a UK-based medical device in the US to educate and generate leads with surgeons


Firstkind Ltd, a UK-based company, developed the geko device, a wearable, neuromuscular electrostimulation technology worn outside the knee joint on the perineal nerve. It is designed to increase blood flow, improve post-surgical stimulation to prevent venous thromboembolism (VTE), stimulate calf muscles for patients at risk for VTE and to help reduce edema. The device provides 60% of the benefits of walking without having to move. Firstkind launched the geko device in the US market to create awareness among neurologists and orthopedic surgeons and their hospital departments.


In the UK, the geko™ device is a well-known, established device. Data about the device’s performance is published in UK-based publications including the International Wound Journal, Vascular Health and Risk Management, Surgical Technology International and Sage Journals. Its business objective to launch in the US would be greatly accelerated by raising awareness by surgeons not familiar with the device or its post surgical benefits, including minimizing patients’ risk for VTE and helping to reduce post-surgical edema to prevent hospital readmissions.


We developed shared- and paid-media campaigns that focused on educating the market about the product and targeting key-opinion-leader surgeons at specific institutions to request a demonstration of the geko device to potentially use it to help their patients heal after surgery, for those at risk for blood clots and strokes from edema (swelling) and to help severe diabetics with wound care:

  • Created a one-month content calendar for LinkedIn
  • Developed a list of industry leaders to make aware of the device
    • Health system executives, surgeons, DVT prevention experts, partners of products in the value-based care chain, clinicians for pre-op and post-op, step-down or rehab facilities and home health providers 
  • Created lead-generation ads and applied A/B testing for maximum results 


Our PR strategy for earned and shared media campaigns resulted in: 

  • Qualified leads from the physician target-audience from reputable health systems such as:  Jefferson Health, Mount-Sinai Medical Center and others 
  • Zero to 79 new followers in 3 months to the US-based LinkedIn page 
  • 46,904 impressions and 579 clicks from organic and paid content 
  • 411 new website users, 738 page views during the 3 month campaign duration